
Researcher staff

Since Januar 2016

Research related to the reproducibility of climate models for the completion of TFM in computer engineering. Research and realization of the doctoral thesis: collaboration in the project of the «Xunta de Galicia» on the study of tropospheric ozone through the implementation of a metasearch engine. EPhysLab laboratory in Ourense.

Researcher staff

Jully 2016 - December 2016

Hardware designer; software developer: Arduino, Raspberry and web; DDBB Administrator.

Software engineer

June 2015 - June 2016

IT developer: Microsoft Dynamics AX; QlickView; C#; Java; DDBB administration; network infrastructure.

Scholar on practice

February 2015 - May 2015

System administration, network infrastructure and web developer.

Worker apprentice

August 2011 - August 2011

«El Asturiano» is a small family business belonging to the construction sector in which plumbing, heating, roofing and slate roofing, as well as installation of gutters.


Master's degree in computer engineering

Since Januar 2016

ESEI – Universidade de Vigo, Ourense

Degree obtained with the specialty: design in large software systems

Graduate in computer engineering

June 2013

ESEI – Universidade de Vigo, Ourense



• Basic level office automation and medium level typing (40 hours);

• Programming course in Python (18 hours);

• Youth in policy dialogue;

• Marine services and supercomputing: future experiences and challenges;

• Energy and Sustainable Development;

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• Spanish: native;

• Galician: native. Intermediate level certification (CELGA4);

• French: native. Intermediate level certification (B2 - Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Ourense);

• English. Full professional competence.


• XXXVI Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física (July 2017);

• Computación de Altas Prestaciones y Modelización de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y del Océano (July 2017);

• Climate change and energy: from knowledge to decisions (November 2017);

• General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union (April 2018).

• El medio ambiente en Galicia: nuevos retos de futuro (October 2018);

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Since 2008

• member of the «Centro de Cultura Popular Xaquín Lorenzo Xocas» in Ourense;

Since 2010

• volunteer in the organization of the FIR (Rebulir International Festival) in Ramirás, Ourense;

• media coordinator and FIR dissemination;

• IT and communication manager of the «Asociación Cultural e Xuvenil Rebulir» in Ramirás, Ourense;

• collaboration in «El Asturiano» family business of management and administration;

• member of the «Asociación Cultural e Xuvenil Rebulir» in Ramirás, Ourense;

• volunteer and assistant to the program of popular, traditional and cooperative games.


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2nd place

«mellor proxecto universitario libre 2017» from Galicia (Spain) with the master's degree project

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Código cero

«Desenvolvida dende Ourense unha aplicación pioneira de análise da calidade de software»

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La Voz de Galicia

«Interés de la NASA por un programa de calidad de software ideado en el campus»

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Diario da Universidade de Vigo

«FortranAnalyser, unha ferramenta de análise da calidade de software que atrae o interese da Nasa»

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